At Care for Cancer we will try to support you through this journey, help you understand the information and provide support and advice in anyway we can.
With a range of services and complementary therapies available we will be with you every step of the way.
< Click the links on the left to find out more
Here at Care for Cancer we run a number of services that are of help to cancer patients, their families and the bereaved. These services include:
A drop-in centre run by experienced staff and volunteers, always available to answer any queries and as a “listening ear”.
We are based in Campsie, Omagh and opening hours Mon – Thurs: 9am – 3pm & Fridays: 9am – 1pm.
Driving Service
Treatment for cancer can mean many visits to hospital for appointments: to see the Oncologist, Consultant,or for chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
Our Driving Service provides door to door transport for cancer patients who find it difficult or stressful to travel to hospital and is open to anyone who has cancer though children must be accompanied by an adult.
Use of our driving service takes alot of the stress and financial pressure of traveling for the patients and their families. When you use the service, journeys will be pre-booked for you in advance.
Complementary Therapies
Complementary therapies work alongside traditional medicine but do not replace it. The aim of complementary therapy is to bring more balance to the body (homeostasis). Each individual is unique and a holistic approach seeks to treat the person as a whole.
Physical, mental, spiritual and emotional aspects of one’s being are all important in the overall approach to each treatment. Each person is encouraged to take responsibility for their own health, by eating a healthy balanced diet, maintaining a good fluid intake, reducing stress and learning to relax.
We have three therapists, all specially trained to work with people with cancer. Aromatherapy, Reflexology and Reiki are offered. This service is available to both patients and their carers.
A Bra-Fitting Service
After surgery and treatment for breast cancer some women feel less confident in their body and self-image. Feeling good in your clothes can make a real difference.
We provide a specialist Fitting Service to help women find the right solution in bras and swimwear for them. A wide range of products are available and our staff will help you choose the right garment, in the right size, to suit you. The service is completely free and totally private.
The confidential consultations take place in the Care for Cancer Centre in Omagh, where we stock a range of bras. In exceptional circumstances a home visit can be arranged.
This service is by appointment only, on Mondays. To find out more information contact the Centre on 02882 246599 or email [email protected] .
Support Groups
Care For Cancer have support groups for those affected by cancer and the bereaved. Many people with cancer have benefited from sharing experiences and getting to know others in a similar situation. If you would like to find out when the next support group is, please contact the Centre on 02882 246599 or email [email protected] .
Recliner Chairs
Here at Care for Cancer we provide a provision of recliner chairs for the terminally ill. Recliner chairs can provide that little bit of extra comfort and support for patients to relax. All our chairs are full recliners with the rise to stand ability, and are fully electric for easy use.
An Information Library
At Care for Cancer, we find that understanding a little about your cancer and treatment can make a very big difference, so at the Centre in Campsie, Omagh we have a small Information Library consisting of relevant books and leaflets on differenet cancers and treatments that people can consult or borrow.
Classes & Courses
Our calsses and courses are available for anyone affected by cancer. They give people opportunities to express emotions such as anxiety, stress and depression and provides a time for relaxation which can lead to a greater sense of well-being. Some of the classes and courses include, pottery, print making and yoga.
To find out whats on contact the centre or email [email protected] for further details.
Social Activities
Social activities and other events are run to support patients, their families and the bereaved.
They include a weekly coffee morning on Wednesdays 10.30am – 12.30pm which is open to everyone.

Family & Friends
Here at Care for Cancer we understand that cancer has a huge impact on everyone affected, including their families and friends. If someone close to you has been diagnosed with cancer, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Our friendly staff and volunteers are here to listen and help however we can.
You can get in touch by using the form in ‘Contact Us’, by emailing: [email protected], or by calling us on 028 8224 6599.

Cancer Information
Select the type of cancer you want information on from the alphabetical list.
The below information has been provided by MacMillan.org.uk
Disclaimer: Although we take great care to try and provide accurate reliable information, Care for Cancer cannot be held responsible for the content or accuracy of the information provided by third party website.

Care for Cancer offer complementary therapies to cancer patients and their carers. They take place in our Information and Resource Centre in Omagh every Thursday. The therapies are carried out by fully trained Reflexologists and Aromatherapists who are also specially trained to work with people living with cancer. They will maintain contact with your medical treatment team to ensure your complementary therapy treatment is part of your overall care.
What are Complementary Therapies?
Complementary therapies work alongside traditional medicine but do not replace it. The aim of complementary therapy is to bring more balance to the body (homeostasis). Each individual is unique and a holistic approach seeks to treat the person as a whole.
Physical, mental, spiritual and emotional aspects of one’s being are all important in the overall approach to each treatment. Each person is encouraged to take responsibility for their own health, by eating a healthy balanced diet, maintaining a good fluid intake, reducing stress and learning to relax.
Who provides the therapy?
Care for Cancer’s complementary therapists are specially trained to work with people living with cancer. They will maintain contact with your medical treatment to ensure your complementary therapy is part of your overall care.
Aromatherapy massage is the use of essential plant oils to treat various physical and psychological problems. It is an excellent way of maintaining overall good health, increasing mental alertness, and dealing with everyday stress and tension aiding equilibrium.
Massage is the ancient art of touch and the rhythm of movement over the skin allows taut tense muscles to relax and let go. The movement and depth of massage can be varied to suit individual needs.
Reflexology is an ancient holistic healing therapy. It involves the use of pressure and massage applied to reflex points found on the feet and hands.The word Reflex is used in the sense of reflection or mirror image. It is believed that the feet mirror the body and by stimulating reflex-points on the feet the therapist can establish which parts of the body are out of balance and therefore not working satisfactorily.
Following illness, stress, injury or disease, the body is in a state of imbalance. Reflexology relieves stress, relaxes the body, releases an unrestricted free flow of vitality and restores balance, encouraging the body’s own healing system to take over.
The Benefits of Complementary Therapy
- It reduces tension and induces deep relaxation
- It reverses the effects of stress
- It allows the body to balance itself
- It increases circulation, aiding the nervous system
- It cleanses the body of toxins
- It revitalises energy
- It encourages good health.
How many treatments should I have?
At the beginning of the series, six treatments are recommended to aid the return to a better balance of the person’s physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Further sessions can be arranged if necessary.
How much does it cost?
In private practices, on average, you could usually expect to pay £30 – £45 per session. Care for Cancer subsidises the complementary therapists for cancer patients, but a nominal contribution would be welcomed.
How do I make an appointment?
You can contact Care for Cancer on 028 8224 6599 or email: [email protected] to request a referral to this service. You will be referred to a therapist and given an appointment. On your first visit the therapist will discuss and assess your needs with you. A series of appointments will be organised and your GP informed.

Cancer often happens for no apparent reason. It’s not fair and it’s ok to feel angry and afraid. You’ll will hear lots of complicated medical terms, meet different doctors and be a bit unsure about what exactly is happening to your body.
Here we’ve tried to make things a little simpler by explaining a bit more about what cancer is and what will happen during your treatment.
What is Cancer?
Cancer is caused when a cell divides and produces an abnormal cell. If it continues to divide further it will become a cancer cell. Cancer cells can divide quite rapidly and can sometimes spread to other parts of the body.
What sort of cancer’s do people get?
With so many different types of cancer we cant list them all here; but if you click on ‘Cancer Information’ there is information on all current cancers, supplied by macmillian.org
What doctors will we meet?
The Multi-disciplinary Team at the hospital will be responsible for looking after you during your consultations and treatment. This team is made up of a group of professionals who are experts in different areas of cancer treatment.
A Consultant is a doctor or surgeon who takes responsibility for your diagnosis or treatment. The consultant will specialise in the particular condition that you have.
A Surgeon is a doctor who specialises in the surgery associated with your condition.
A Medical Oncologist is the title given to the doctor in charge of chemotherapy treatment.
A Radiologist is a doctor who specialises in the use of imaging techniques such as x-rays and scans to help with your diagnosis or assist in treatment.
What tests will I have to have?
X RAY is a painless procedure in which an area of the body is exposed to short rays of an electromagnetic spectrum allowing doctors to visualise internal organs.
Ultrasound Scan is a painless procedure during which high frequency sound waves are used to visualise internal organs.
CT Scan is a painless procedure. Sometimes, depending on the area of the body to be scanned, patients may be asked to fast and/or drink a special dye before the test. It works by combining computer technology with radiology to produce cross-sectional depictions of internal organs. The dye is used to improve the images and produce a clearer picture.
MRI Scan is a test that allows the visualisation of internal areas of the body not easily seen by other machines, by placing the patient within a strong magnetic field. This is a painless procedure; however the machinery used to complete these tests often appear quite big and imposing. It is important to remember that someone is always close at hand and that you can communicate very easily with computer staff during the test.
Will I have to have treatment and will there be any side effects?
Chemotherapy (Chemo)
Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill off cancer cells. It can be given in the form of liquid or tablets, by injection or intravenously via a drip.
Side Effects
Because chemotherapy is killing off the cancer cells in your body, it can often have an effect on your healthy cells. As a result a number of side effects can occur such as:
Sickness– Chemotherapy drugs can make you feel nauseous or even be sick but your doctor can prescribe anti-sickness medication and give you some advice on how to relieve this.
Diarrhea and Constipation- Chemotherapy can affect the bowel and change how it works. Laxatives or anti-diarrhoea drugs can help with this.
Mouth Ulcers/ Taste changes– Certain chemotherapy drugs may cause a sore mouth or mouth ulcers which can develop quite quickly but will usually disappear within a few weeks. Sometimes you will experience a metallic or bitter taste which can sometimes affect how food will taste, but this should disappear once treatment ends.
Hair Loss – This is probably the most common side effect associated with cancer and usually begins to occur within the first few weeks of treatment. Not everyone receiving chemo will lose their hair; it may just become thin may not even be affected. Hair will grow back once treatment has ended.
Skin problems – Skin can become very sensitive during chemotherapy and rashes or irritations can sometimes occur. It is important to keep well protected from the sun and chemicals such as chlorine.
Changes in blood levels – Chemotherapy attacks rapidly reproducing cells and as a result, the number of blood cells within the body can drop.
Radiotherapy uses high energy rays to destroy the abnormal cancer cells. Only some people will have to have this type of treatment and it depends where in the body your cancer is.
Side Effects
Some children or young people may have a skin reaction to radiotherapy after a few sessions. As this treatment involves the use of high energy rays, the area of skin exposed to the radiotherapy can become irritated, red and sore and in some cases a bit like sunburn.
Bone Marrow Transplant
A Bone Marrow Transplant involves replacing diseased bone marrow or stem cells with a healthy one so that the body can one again produce healthy blood cells.
Side Effects
Bone Marrow transplants can be complicated procedures and your consultant will be able to advise you of the risks and possible side effects involved. These are likely to be different in each individual.

Here at Care for Cancer we understand that getting travel insurance if you have or have had cancer can be difficult and sometimes very expensive. In this section we have compiled a list of insurers with the help of MacMillan
The companies listed below have been recommended by at least two people affected by cancer for giving them a reasonable deal on their travel insurance. Inclusion of a company does not mean that Care for Cancer or Macmillan recommends them.
This is not an exhaustive list of companies and there may be others that can provide you with a reasonable quote.
It’s hard to predict whether you’ll get cover. Although we aim to list companies here that will be helpful, we cannot guarantee that you will get the cover you need or that you’ll get it at a reasonable price. A company that one person recommends may not give cover to someone else with cancer because of their personal situation. Also, many companies will not offer annual policies to people undergoing treatment or to those who have had it recently, and they may change their criteria at any time.
The Association of British Insurers (ABI) represents the UK’s insurance industry and also acts as an advocate for high standards of customer service in the insurance industry. Its website provides answers to commonly asked questions about getting travel insurance.

Action Cancer www.actioncancer.org
Belfast Carers’ Centre www.carerscentre.org
Brainwaves NI www.brainwaves-ni.org
Cancer Choices www.cancerchoices.org.uk
Cancer Connect www.cancerconnect.co.uk
Cancer Focus www.cancerfocusni.org
Cancer Lifeline www.cancerlifeline.org
Cancer Research www.cancerresearchuk.org
Charis Integrated Cancer Care www.chariscancercare.org
Children with Leukaemia www.leukaemia.org
Children’s Cancer & Leukemia Group www.cclg.org.uk
CiNI www.ci-ni.org
CLIC Sargeant www.clicsargent.org.uk
Crossroads Caring for Carers (NI) Ltd www.crossroads.org.uk
Cruse Bereavement www.crusebereavementcare.org.uk
Duke of Edinburgh www.dofe.org
Family Fund www.familyfund.org.uk
Haematological Malignancy Research Network www.hmrn.org
MacMillan Cancer Support www.macmillan.org.uk
Make A Wish www.make-a-wish.org.uk
National Cancer Intelligence Network www.ncin.org.uk
NICCY www.niccy.org
NICVA www.nicva.org
Northern Ireland Cancer Network www.cancerni.net
Northern Ireland Cancer Fund for Children www.nicfc.com
Parents Advice www.parentsadvicecentre.org/
Participation Network www.participationnetwork.org
Relate www.relate.org.uk
Teenage Cancer Trust www.teenagecancertrust.org
Therapy Directory UK www.therapy-directory.org.uk
The Neuroblastoma Society www.nsoc.co.uk
Volunteer Now www.volunteernow.co.uk/
MacMillan MacMillan.org.uk
Disclaimer: Although we take great care to try and provide accurate reliable information, Care for Cancer cannot be held responsible for the content or accuracy of the information provided by third party website.

1 Campsie Place
Omagh, Co. Tyrone
Our Information and Resource Centre is open every Mon-Thurs: 9am – 3pm & Fridays: 9am – 1pm
Everyone is welcome.
[email protected]
028 82246599